Beautiful little Taylor Louise will arrive some time in May. Our 18(ish) week u/s was surreal and amazing and we couldn't be happier. Thanks for all of your concern about my fall (i'm bruised but fine and learned my lesson!) and all of your well wishes about the baby. You are all truly the best bunch of people I've never met! ;)
Be back soon with some foooooood, promise!
AHHH, HOW EXCITING!!! Congratulations on having a little girl on the way!!! :0)
Wow, those pictures always leave me in awe. Congrats! How exciting to have a beautiful little girl on the way! :)
Aww! Enjoy the anticipation. :)
I have often wondered how something as abstract as an ultra sound picture could be 'cute' but once again, I see it is. Congrats!
Congrats! I am so glad you are doing okay after your fall...take care of yourself!
I'm thankful that you are both ok. I can imagine how scary it must have been for you.
Love the new pic and her name. I've always been fond of girls with guys names (Randi, Bobbi, etc.)
Congratulations on your baby girl! I'm vegan and pregnant too, 19 weeks. I'm hoping for a girl as well but intuitively I know it's a boy. Won't find out until u/s at 22 weeks. Isn't it such a strange and wonderful adventure? Congrats again!
Oh how very exciting! Congrats on your little girl!
She looks wonderful!!! Congrats - girls are so much fun.
That's so fantastic! Congrats!!!
Sorry to hear about the fall. Hope everything is okay. Even though you're having a girl, we still have some hand-me-downs for you in the form of accessories and other stuff. We hope to see you guys soon!
so cool! girls rock!!!
Ah man, I love seeing their big heads in the ultra sound photo.
Girls are the best!
Congratulations!! im so happy for you!!!
Congratulations on your baby girl!
she looks beautiful already! can't wait until may!
Congratulations! What a beautiful name for your daughter.
OOO! Congrats! Taylor Louise is a beautiful name and I'm sure you're super excited.
I have goosebumps from that ultrasound! She is a little doll! :P Taylor Louise is one lucky lady! Congrats to you on your May Baby. :) Very exciting news!
How strange to think that someday there may be newborn photos blogged here... then she will grow so fast. It's nice to share the early stages with you, so thanks for the gorgeous photo and the wonderful news!
We find out on Jan. 2. Now I really can't wait!
Wow that is exciting. Glad you're OK of course. Good luck with everything, take it easy!
OMG, she is so precious!! I love that name too. Glad your fall wasn't serious! Hope everything is going perfectly :-)
How cool that you have that ultrasound! Alas, when I had my anklebiters they didn't do that sort of thing. Congrats, and I'm glad you're OK after your fall!
Yay!!! I have a vegan May baby too!
Merry Christmas!
Brandie just posted her 20 week ultra sound and I had to pop over and see your little Taylor one more time. It is so fun with the two of you pregnant at the same time. Hugs!
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