Even looking at pics of food has been suddenly stricken from the list of Things I Love To Do. Not only have certain foods been less than desireable, the actual act of preparing foods (usually, one of my MOST favorite things to do in the day) has become seriously tiresome. when I have found the energy or desire to cook something I haven't been taking pictures of it, just glad I had something I was willing to choke down. well, there was this...
and roasted tamari pepitas,
oh, and i'm glad I could virtually live on pan-seared oatmeal
otherwise it's fruit, easy veggie patties, and shells 'n chreese with peas galore!
what could be the culprit? I'm sure you're wondering. Well, today, on my most favorite day of the year (i tell ya, i love this day more than giftmas!) we got to take a peek at just what's draining me of my typical time in the kitchen...or should I say who....

so much for turning this blog into a whirlwind of amazing healthy vegan pregnancy meals for expectant moms! ;) while I hope that my new copy of Veganomicon (which I've already tagged in a ton of places the recipes I just can't wait to try) will revamp my blog soon, I think I'll be blogging only when the energy (or appetite!) strikes me for a bit. Tho, with chompers like we're seeing on this kid....

Until then, have a safe and happy Halloween!