Monday, November 02, 2009
Seitan Wellington...Swellington!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Seitan Mignon, MoFo!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Szechuan Takeout Patties

Last night was a case of the former. The night before we were spent from a long day of play. It was a gorgeous day and we took full advantage taking Taylor to the park. Once home, bath time and nightly chores needed to be taken care of so takeout seemed like a GREAT idea. The Cap'n wanted Chinese, and since I was in the mood for tofu, I ordered the Szechuan tofu and a side of veggie Lo Mein. While the Lo Mein was ok (never enough veggies), the tofu was too soft and the sauce for it was passable, at best. I didn't even touch the white that came with it.
Come dinner time last night my leftovers were glaring at me while I prepared to make a quick dinner and I knew I'd have to use them up or just toss them entirely. Heating them in the microwave and eating them that way was not going to satisfy so I created these instead
Having only a flavored Stir Fry Oil to fry them in, I went with that. I think it's peanut and soy bean oil based with garlic, ginger and chili.
I fried them in little patties until really brown. Maybe a couple minutes each side on med/hi heat.
I won't lie and say that they held together fabulously. They didn't. They had to be ever so gently turned and most of them stayed together, but not all of them. The rice got really brown and crispy (yum!) and the flavor of the Szechuan sauce was just barely there, which was nice. Once they cooled they were even tastier! I served them up over some heated leftover sauce and topped with the carrots (like you see above).
Another leftover success!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gardein's Chick'n Scallopini, a Product Review

Sorry I've totally dropped the ball with Vegan MoFo. I've been swamped bridal showers and weddings, oh my! I am an ordained minister and writing the ceremonies is such a labor of love for me to totally labor intensive. I've spent so many hours at the computer that blogging has not been something I've wanted to do. I also spent a LOT of nights making samosas a la VWaV, three dozen for a bridal shower and then six dozen miniature ones for a wedding last Saturday. SIX DOZEN! They're really fun to make up to about three dozen, I say. ;) They were a hit and I'm really glad I could help round out the happy couple's menu, but whew! I'm glad that's over. I don't have a picture of them (tho I just may take one of the dozen or so that ended up back in my refrigerator), but I do have this...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When Life Gives You Dry Seitan, Make Gravy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Steamed Gluten Log

1. the recipe calls for four cups of onion, or two medium sized ones. I had two med-large sweet onions on hand and that's what I used. I diced them fine in the processor and knew they wouldn't measure to be four cups, not even close, two if I was lucky (and I wasn't. sigh), but I didn't really worry about it, just moved on to caramelizing (Mmmmm, at least the house has smelled amazing all day!).
2. once I mixed the wet and dry ingredients, I noticed my dough was super dry and crumbly. It shouldn't just stick together while mixing with a spoon. Adding the last quarter cup of gluten seemed like a really bad idea so I added water until the consistency was better but just adding it and mixing with a spoon wasn't gonna cut it. So, I worked the additional liquid in with my hands and, in the end, felt like the dough was a bit overworked.
2. While I wrapped the seitan up tight and made sure to wrap it in two different directions to make it secure, secure it was not. Somewhere in the last thirty minutes the seitan busted thru and ripped open the foil, leaving it exposed to the steam directly.
So, I used it today for a simple sandwich and Taylor seems to enjoy nibbling on slices of it just fine, but I'm now craving a more moist and juicy variety and I think I'll be boiling some very, very soon.
Until then, I have an idea to revive my dry slabs and will hopefully be sharing the successful outcome in tomorrow's dinner!
oh, and sorry 'bout the lighting in these pics. It's late and apparently the lighting in my kitchen is REALLY yellow. yikes!
Let The Sunshine In....

I like these best on some earthy whole grain bread with sprouts, avocado, tomato and Veganaise. But I liked this one just fine last night on some oat bread with Veganaise, organic ketchup, and diced pickle. This and some Cascadian Farms Spud Puppies
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Leftovers, Revived...They're What's For Dinner!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Zucchini Rawsta

For a while, I was using a vegetable peeler, and wasting a LOT of zuke since I wasn't peeling the innermost part of the veggie that houses the tiny seeds. Then I braved my garage (black widows, anyone?!) and dug out of the countless bins we've stored there since moving to this house one of my most favorite kitchen tools, the Saladacco Spiral Slicer!

Love this thing. I've only really ever used it for zucchini and carrots, so $24 bucks may seem steep to some, but I've honestly used it SO many times in the few years I've owned it (especially when I'm cooking for others, so fast!) that it seems justified. Plus it's fun and requires no electricity!
I've linked to Amazon for anyone who's interested, but laughed when I read reviews. People have less than great things to say about my beloved kitchen tool, but I'm still really happy with it. It's never given me any problems. I quickly slice the zukes (or whatever) so that I have long pieces that fit in the Saladacco, it locks just fine for me, spin out my veggie, and snack on the 1/4 inch disc that's always left over when it's done spiraling. When making for a large group, I just saved the multiple little discs of 'wasted' zucchini for a salad or snack the next day.
That said, feast your eyes on the benefits of owning that little number...
Topped with a little nutritional yeast (ok, a lot)...
then some super easy homemade red sauce* and a generous sprinkling of hemp seed!
*I was going to link to an entry where I'd recounted my own version of easy red sauce, but I found that it doesn't exist. No real recipe, but I typically make it when I see tomatoes lying around that I fear will go bad if I'm not inspired to eat salads. It goes something like this...
Toss tomatoes in boiling water until skin puckers. Remove and slide skin off of the fruit. Chop. Heat olive oil in sauce pot and add a few minced cloves of garlic. When just browning, add tomatoes. Here I only had two medium tomatoes on hand so I added a can of no salt added tomatoes (didn't drain 'em) to my sauce pot. This made enough sauce for two people ( tonight...and me again tomorrow some time!). Add a bit of tomato paste to get the consistency you want (tho it will thicken up nicely as it simmers, the longer it simmers the tomato paste helps it from being so watery) and a pinch or two of sea salt, some onion powder, oregano, and a healthy pinch of sugar. If you have fresh basil, it's wonderful at the end. And obviously, you can add onion or any veggie you like at the beginning, but I prefer a quick, unadorned variety of tomato sauce. Allow to simmer for as long as possible. The longer the better. I threw this together in a flash at lunch time and it was perfect by dinner. So yeah, that's not a real recipe, but it's pretty forgiving and so fresh enjoyed over the zucchini.
Here's to hoping I figure out what to post for Vegan MoFo in the coming days. I have a wedding to officiate on Saturday for a family member and their rehearsal dinner being hosted at my house this Friday! Sadly, I'm just providing the place to have the shower and they'll be having a BBQ. I won't even be contributing any vegan fare for the event as I also have a beautiful friend's bridal shower to contribute to for Sunday. THAT I'll certainly blog about, but I'll be tempted to try and keep up with the toddler and all the events and Smart Dog it for the meals ahead but for your sake let's hope I don't!
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can......
Monday, October 05, 2009
So Simple, So Good!

Not exactly the stellar, fancy dinner one would typically be excited to blog about, but ya know what? It was SO GOOD. And simple, and cheap, and gluten free, and vegan, and could be thrown together easily while a silly toddler is at one's feet demanding to be held, played with, danced with, and basically just causing a typical 17 month old end of the day ruckus. To me? THAT's something I can sink my teeth into!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Southwest Corn Pudding

*I sauteed the corn and red pepper in my giant iron skillet pan and had my heart set on baking it and serving it in that as well, but I think I'll have a post in the future about the woes of trying to work with a less than perfectly seasoned iron pan and how to fix that. Also, carrying that puppy plus blanket, toys, and toddler in tow across a couple sports fields to get to our destination would have been more than I could swing!
Oh, I should also mention that a ppk'er had a great idea for making this dish for a pot luck setting by way of portioning it out in muffin pans and cooking that way to create individual servings. As I'd never made it before, I wasn't sure if it was really going to be more like a bread or a pudding and I didn't want to overcook it and have it be dry. As it turns out, it cooks up like a perfectly moist, soft bready pudding so I think it'd have been fine either way!
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Almond Crusted Tofu over Vegan Caesar

Friday, October 02, 2009
Day Two, I Was Afraid This Would Happen!

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Vegan MoFo Begins Again!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Spinach 'Shroom Sauce

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fell In Love With a Salad
I know I've blogged this one before (recipe included in the last post), but it bears repeating (I totally couldn't help myself with that title!).