During the u/s yesterday, the sonographer found that I seem to have an amount of amniotic fluid that is on the higher end. As I did the glucose tolerance test yesterday, I should know tomorrow if it is due to gestational diabetes. Taylor's stomach was full, though, so we were told that that is a great sign, that she is swallowing effectively and that a problem with her development in that area is not the reason for elevated amniotic fluid levels. I'm trying with all my might not to investigate further on the internet and just let the doc tell me what's up tomorrow. I did do a home blood sugar test this morning upon waking up and found it to be a bit high. Lucky for me, there's a dietician in the family so if that is the problem, I should be able to manage it just fine. Expect for me to get a battery charger and lay off the baked goods, only blogging the healthiest of meals for myself and my little love.
Overall, the results were normal, with this kid weighing in at a whopping 2lbs 9oz and falling within the 82nd percentile. I'll be sure to keep you posted and, hopefully, get my butt in gear and back to blogging more vegan fare....with pictures! (tho, i can't promise they'll be anywhere near as spectacular as what you've gazed upon up above ;)
oh my goodness gracious, that ultrasound picture is so clear!! you've certainly got a healthy baby developing!! keep us posted!! :0)
Ohmigosh, she is so beautiful! I can't believe how amazing these ultrasounds are.
Wishing you all the best with your blood sugar results. I know that you'll be fine with your diet. As a sidenote, you're doing the right thing by staying off the internet and just listening to your doctor. Oh, if I'd only done that when I was first diagnosed with cancer - could have saved myself a lot of grief!
How beautiful!! It still boggles my mind that technology is capable of doing 3D ultrasounds... And what a pretty name--I love that. Good luck with your test results, and keep enjoying your pregnancy! What an amazing time that must be.
That picture is amazing! Boy you and Brandie are really close in your pregnancy's.I hope the doctor gives you good news with your blood sugar. If you haven't checked out Brandie's blog in awhile she put a video of their little one from the last sonagram. It is just amazing what they can do. Taylor looks happy and peacful all cuddled up. By the way, I love her name!
OHH!! How cute :) We aren't planning on doing the 3D (or 4D) u/s, but I think that pic you've posted is actually quite cute :) Looks like a little peaceful smile on her face!! You're almost exactly 4 weeks ahead of me... it's like I can kind of "see" what I'm headed for!! So far our midwife (and u/s) says our lil one is big for his "age"... Mom says "gonna be a big baby"! Yay! ;) Oh so happy for you too!!!
What an amazing photo of your beautiful little girl! Sounds like your doctor is very thorough and taking good care of you. I love pictures of healthy food!
How amazing! I can't believe how well you can see her face - what a gift. (-: We're all pulling with you for healthy test results - good luck!
Awwww...what a cutie pie! Congratulations!!
sooo beautiful!
That is so amazing... what detail!! She is adorable. How incredibly exciting.
Way to resist searching the internet... I did that last night because I've been having frequent headaches, which is a symptom of about a million things. My cousin has gestational diabetes and she is doing well, like you said, just watching her sugar intake.
Stay healthy!
What a beautiful baby girl! The ultrasound picture is so clear.
Good luck with your test results. Hopefully everything will be just fine.
wow!!! what a cute baby!
Oh what an amazing picture- you are so blessed.
Sending both you girls lots and lots good energy.
That picture is spectacular! Hi Taylor.
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