sadly, I barely get to enjoy a full meal, much less come up with time or energy to whip anything blogworthy, but I wanted to thank everyone for stopping by and sending the love. it's certainly felt and appreciated. I'm on the mend and still battling the blood pressure, but we're getting there.
i'd love to brag with a ton of recent pics, but they're all on the Cap'n's computer so I'll just leave you this one of little Taylor Louise and my Grandma Louise (her namesake) when T was just a few days old.
and here's one from a couple weekends ago.

i'm hoping to have some time to cruise everyone else's blogs soon....but it may take a couple more months, if ya know what i mean.
much love to you all!
Nice to hear from you again!! Great photographs. Hope all continues to be well with you!!
I'm so glad to hear from you. That picture of your grandmother with Taylor is beautiful, just beautiful. I hope you feel better soon.
I've been dropping by to see if there were any updates. I'm glad you're not 43 weeks pregnant and bet you are too. ;) Take care.
That picture of Taylor with your grandmother is precious. I'm sure she must be taking up a lot of your time- don't worry, we all understand your lack of blogging!
Hi Sweetie! Brandie and I were just talking about you and little Taylor. We wondered how the both of you and DH were doing. I am glad things are getting better, but sorry to hear little one has a cold. Sending healing wishes your way. Did MIL receive the little birthday present for Taylor? I hope it arrived. Love ya Hugs!
ditto on the swaddlers :-)
glad to hear baby is growing big & strong
Congratulations again! Taylor is adorable! And the picture of her + Grandma is beautiful.
She is so beautiful. Can't wait to see lots of pics.
Nine years later I still sometimes realize at 5 pm that I haven't eaten anything all day!
Best to you all,
What an adorable baby. Congratulations, and take care! We will all be waiting for you.
I'm glad to hear you are both doing well! I hope your cough is gone, too! (That sounded painful, while trying to heal from a c-section!)
The pic with grandma is precious!
awwwwwwwwwwww! no worries! it's great to hear from you! and awesome that all is well with you and the wee one! enjoy motherhood and congrats again! :D
The photo of Taylor and your grandmother is beautiful. I am happy to see you posting again and to hear that you are doing okay!
Taylor looks adorable all swaddled up there. I can't even imagine how busy you must be. I hope you're getting a lot of rest and some "me" time.
Taylor is so beautiful. The picture of her with your grandmother is priceless.
What great photos! I hope you are getting lots and lots of photos, even if you are not getting lots of sleep just yet! ;)
I love the pic with your grandmother. The swaddle is very adorable too!
I hope the cold is over with and that you are taking great care of yourself!
So gorgeous! Wow. Those pictures are really really nice :)
Your daughter is adorable. There is definetly a family resemblance, Taylor looks a lot like her grandmother.
So glad to see that you are enjoying motherhood! That picture of Taylor with your grandma is so sweet.
Good luck getting a fantastic meal in soon! You will in time, and we'll all be here to read about it.
ah, lovely pictures!
BRY! Glad to see the babe is coming along. What a cutie! Be well and take care of that baby! Hi to El Capitan for me.
Taylor is so cute!
Take care!
I came here from madcap cupcakes to check some vegan recipes! The little vegan looks adorable with great gma!
OMG! She is gorgeous! And that picture with your grandmother is absolutely sweet. Baby is too cute for words in that swaddler. So excited to welcome her to our vegan world!
awe, how beautiful! thank you for sharing :) i look forward to your next post, but no worries about being absent!
by the way, i moved my blog to!
The pictures are adorable. Congradulations!
Hey girl, just checking in. Love the photos. The one with your Gma is super precious. Hope you're well.
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