New York Deli Style Tofu Breakfast Sandwiches (courtesy of VegWeb)
For the marinade:
1 1/2 tablespoon vinegar (any kind but Balsamic)
1/2 tablespoon Dijon mustard (or less, if using ground mustard powder)
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/2 tablespoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder dash each of salt, pepper, onion powder
enough water to make a marinade/paste that coats the tofu
1 sandwich-sized slab sliced block of extra-firm tofu*
*the VegWeb recipe calls for frozen then drained tofu. I tried this originally as it's what I had and was looking for a recipe specifically calling for frozen/drained tofu. Today I had it with tofu that had never been frozen and I gotta say...I liked that MUCH better. I think the trick is to press it for at least thirty min to get out a lot of the moisture.
Press one block of Extra Firm Tofu well, slice into slabs whichever way you prefer to make sandwiches with. Place in marinade for at least 24 hours, turning once or twice, if you think of it. Heat skillet on Med heat and coat with either cooking spray or a little bit of oil (I use Grapeseed). Brown both sides (I even press the slabs into extra nutritional yeast, because I'm crazy like that). Serve on lightly toasted bread of choice with fixins you love! (I have also baked these on parchment at 375 for about 15 minutes, lightly spraying with oil spray and had perfect results).
I found that simplest is most yummy, just some Veganaise, fresh avocado and sprouts on a whole grain roll was my favorite. Oh, I also tried this over roasted herbed potatoes, topped with sprouts, with Veg'con cheeze sauce drizzed on top. I must admit, THAT was pretty perfect.
Have fun with it. It's a great way to turn peeps on to tofu as it isn't overpoweringly flavored, and allows the tofu to be tofu and really sing just as it is, texture and all.
In other news, just when I thought that my morning couldn't get better than feasting on the above sandwich, I got a welcome surprise on my blog....a comment from a local legend and all-around amazing human being, Tempeh Jose!
I realize you're not all familiar with who the heck it is I'm referring to. Check him out at He's the local tempeh guru in my neck o' the woods and I'm hoping to test some of his newest creation. I've consumed more than my weight in his existing tempeh and it is such great stuff! It truly won me over when I was just eh about that particular soy product. He supplies the local grocer and tastiest restaurants in town. Such a cool member of our community.
I'm inspired to get some of his tempeh and get back in the kitchen and share it with you here!
Until then, you know I'm gonna do's Taylor, by morning light.

I would eat that for breakfast everyday!
Taylor is almost 1 right? Time flies!
Sandwiches look yummy!!!
beautiful child, and yummy sammy. i would wake up to that, mmm.
Happy Birthday Taylor!!!!!
Wow...I love your blog! This all looks so delicious!!
The sandwiches look soo good! Great breakfast idea!
Your pictures are so enticing, I'll definitely have to try this recipe. I bet it could work for lunch too. Thanks!!
Can't wait to try that delicious sandwich! It seems like it could work just as well for lunch as for breakfast.
thanks for the recipe! i'm always looking for good portable breakfast ideas.
Hi. I am a vegetarian transitioning to the vegan lifestyle. If you have any tips please check out my blog at:
I love breakfast sammies! That looks great.
This looks great! I love tofu sandwiches.
She has such long lashes- so cute. And that recipe sounds damn tasty- time to make me some soon, thanks for sharing!!
mmm that does look super tasty! this would made an awesome morning breakfast.
Not only does that sandwich look FABulous, that is an amazing picture of some chubby cheeks and lil fingers! How awesome!!
Yes, truly yummy!
Looks amazing!
Mmmm, Jose's tempeh! I used to be an "ACR" (Alachua county resident) and lived right near Wards when Jose had his little shop next door. I worked at the midwifery school when it was on 6th street and would swing by Jose's to get lunch a lot of days. There was also a woman who worked there--Suzie--who made and sold the most amazing vegan pizza I've ever had. I still pine for it!
I'm salivating until breakfast! Oh yum! And what a beautiful baby. :)
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