Friday, September 20, 2013

Mama/Daughter Movie Night

Since school for my big five year old this year, I have been neglectful of what had become a sort of typical Friday night for us. A swim in the pool, some play time while snacking on healthy foods, then a movie of our choosing with a big pile of popcorn for dinner. Yep. No shame. (Sometimes, we even eat dessert after anyways!)

Tonight is as good a night as any to bring back our beloved Mama/Daughter Movie night. In lieu of a 'real' post of Vegan Mofo, I leave you with our very vegan dinner for two....

A big mess o' popcorn with fancy HimalaSalt and as much nutritional yeast as we can handle licking off our fingers. And that's a lot.

My parents are super sweet and very supportive of my stellar parenting which totally includes things like 'Popcorn for Dinner on Fridays' and gifted us a really cool popcorn popper for Christmas last year. Did I mention that we throw coconut oil in the pot to pop our kernals? We do. YUM.

Popcorn just tastes 'fancier' with this thing. 

Tonight's movie of choice? Epic. We saw it in May in the theater in 3D. Loved it so much we bought it today.

Hope everyone else has a happy Friday night filled with laughter, love, and if you're lucky? Some super yummy popcorn and someone to share it with.

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