Miscellaneous Eats
Woke up wanting quinoa patties for breakfast this morning. Found no quinoa in the house...settled on Millet Tofu patties with Cheezy Kale topping and sun dried tomatoes. So good!
Basically I had about 3/4 of a block of tofu thawed from the freezer last night that I drained and crumbled this a.m.. I cooked one cup of millet while sauteeing two stalks of celery, half a small onion, and two huge cloves of garlic with sea salt, black pepper, about a tsp each of thyme and oregano. Then I mixed that all together with 1/2 cup rolled oats, 3 T soy sauce, 1/4 c. nutritional yeast, small bunch of fresh parsley, and a bit of water to bind. I then made patties, patted wheat germ on to both sides, and baked in a 350 degree oven for 30 min, flipping halfway thru.They didn't hold up as well as the quinoa patties I'd made before but they're just as yummy and full of good things so I was happy with them. I had prepped and frozen a huge bunch of organic kale a while back so I just took some out and boiled it for about ten min, chopped it up even finer after straining out the water, then added a few tablespoons of some leftover cheeze sauce from the other day and topped with a bit of sundried tomatoes. That's my kind of breakfast!In an attempt to duplicate a perfect chickpea salad I'd thrown together for our trip to TN last weekend, I made this
It's chickpeas, cucumber, celery, tomato, carrot, garlic, parsley, dill, avocado oil, red wine vinegar, and salt and pepper. I think what's missing here is the excess of chickpeas I had when I made it the first time. This time is just as tasty, but the texture is a bit off. Out of chickpeas, I decided it's the perfect relish
like this on top of an organic brown rice cake with some Sultan hummus (a Florida brand that is my absolute favorite store bought variety). Oh yeah, was this good!Speaking of good (with a capital G), I recently ordered the Damn Tasty Vegan Baking Guide. I'd ordered two, one for myself and one for a friend who's lactose intolerant and been loving VCTOTW. I figured this was right up her alley and would make a swell bday present (you didn't read that, Bethie!) ;)Of course I had to actually make something from the book before gifting it, right?I went straight to the most sugar filled, gooey concoction within its pages, Pecan Pie Bites....
'cept mine? are Walnut Pie Bites, as the pecans I thought I'd had turned out to be...well, walnuts. Still amazing, tho. I think that I could have stood to back off the molasses a bit. It certainly lends a bit of that buttery flavor, but I think a scant tablespoon would suit my tastes better. These are messy, gooey, and wonderful. Just what I look for in a dessert. Can't wait to try everything else in this one. Thanks, Kris!Oh...and.....that turkey style seitan roast made into pita sandwiches?
Perfect. Just like I knew it would be. (I swear there are greens in there, too. They just got shoved in the back of the pitas!) Yum!
Your breakfast and sandwiches look so good. I really miss being able to have tofu and seitan. Kris' book will be a great gift for your friend. Your Bites are gooey goodness!
You are such a creative chef! If only I could be a fly on the wall in your kitchen...(a fly who gets free samples). (-:
Oh yum! If I hadn't already had breakfast, I would be making those patties right now. The chickpea salad looks so good, and what a great idea with hummus and rice cake. Ooh, and those walnut pie bites look heavenly!
Mmmmmmm!!! What wouldn't i want to try here?! What a groovy pal you are to get your friend that booklet. That is a super idea, to buy two and give one away!!
Wow, what an awesome breakfast. It is making me drool as I sit here at work eating dry wheat chex. :o)
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