That said, I'm being held hostage in my own home by the repair guy who needs me to be here (whenever that may be) upon his return. So? No grocery shopping yet today. So what do I scare up for lunch? Baked Last Night's Dinner, Revisted:

All this went into a small baking pan, was topped with Ian's breadcrumbs and some Parma!, and baked for about 25 minutes, until golden brown (ok, not all that golden brown but I was hungry and impatient to turn off the oven) on top and bubbly below.

Crazy I may be, sweaty I certainly am, but soooo happy 'cause this was darn delicious!
Finally, the repair dude came back (two a/c motors later), and I was able to go shopping!!!!! Once I eventually got home and everything was washed and put away, however, I didn't feel like scaring up much. So I opted for some more of my yummy lunch (now affectionately called, Today's Lunch, Born of Last Night's Dinner....For Dinner :)

and looked around for a yum sounding Caesar Salad dressing that did not require the blanching of almonds or whizzing of tofu in my food proccessor.

Bunnyfoot has totaly hit on EXACTLY what I've been searching for forever with this. Oh My. It is perfect. Seriously! It's simple, fast, and just the taste I crave when I crave a Caesar Salad. On mine I've tossed on a few sliced sundried tomatoes, chopped up half an avacado, and (naturally) sprinkled some Parm! I followed her recipe exactly with the dressing, including both optional items. Nex time I may use a little less oil and add some water to thin it but the flavor? A-MA-ZING.
Wow, it was so rainy and cold here in Seattle, so I tried to envision you dying of the heat out there! Lol! I'm glad the AC works again.
Your dinner turned lunch....turned dinner (or something like that!) looks great! I love the easy salad too. I am getting tired of cleaning out my blender too...this will be a great new salad for me to try! :) :)
I am very eager to start doing casseroles and lasagnas! long as it does the job, eh!? I love my blender. I had to buy a new one tho because my old one cracked. I was going to try and have 2 so I would always have one clean but since I just bought that one to replace the old I don't want to buy yet another one that soon! lol
I love your blog!!
You're not the only crazy one- I cook very weather-inappropriately, too. This morning, we woke up and the house was freezing. What do I make for breakfast? Frozen fruit smoothie!
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I lived in FL myself for about 6 months (Winter Park), and I miss it sometimes, but I don't think I could live there forever!
candi- cold? what's that? I keep hearing about folks now craving soup and know that we're a good couple months ahead of that even sounding appealing! :)
I plan on having that salad again tonight with dinner.
harmonia- i'm a firm believer that anything (especially leftovers) can be turned into a casserole of some sort... TWO blenders, now why didn't I think of that? :)
melody- right back atcha, girlie! and your yoga blog? most excellent. you are a goddess.
bazu- glad to know i'm not the only glutton for punishment. i was born in 'jersey but have lived in FL almost my whole life. I can't imagine living anywhere else. me and my kayak on one of FL's rivers? heaven!
vv- it really is a great and simple dressing. funny, i just got some sprouts today to add in another one tonight. I saw them and thought, I must add those to the salad! great minds! :)
Sad, you're busy worrying about the air and I'm busy worrying about turning on the heat :( Funny how things are so different (I'm in Minnesota). Luckily it's heating up to the 50's today!
Looks like a good dressing recipe - I just made a tofu based one and it rocked.
I'm vegan too and your blog is very good.
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