Happy (Belated) Birthday To Me!
And everyone else! I love birthdays...actually, my switch from vegetarianism to veganism came to be after my bday party last year when I threw myself and our friends a bday bash with a full-on vegan spread, something I'd never attempted before. It was great fun to plan, the food was divine, and I felt amazing having excluded food items that I was struggling with consuming. As happens every year, lots of friends' and families' birthdays are close to mine but this year I was able to bring vegan birthday cupcakes to each celebration and have been caught up in a whirlwind of birthday yummy for about a month now. The funny part is, I've only made one kind of cupcake from VCTOTW each time. hehe. Couldn't help it! the cookies 'n creme variety is just so fantastically good, I had to make sure that each bday girl/boy was presented with it's fabulousness before I could move on to some other version.
On the third batch of these delectable birthday desserts, I employed a technique I learned from the food channel once upon a time that produces a spikey texture to the frosting. Sadly, this next pic is not of those. I have no idea where those pics are, so here's one of the first batch (again) from our friend Karen's surprise bday party we hosted at our house. She was the one to kick off the 'birthday fever' we've been so happily enjoying this summer.
In true amazing husband fashion, the Cap'n gifte me with some of the things I've been coveting for far too long.....
I know this one seems silly to most, but it is my MOST favorite bday gift, honestly. I LOATHE waste and have huge issues with how much we throw away. I don't even buy plastic containers too often for leftovers because i prefer, instead, to use all the veg. margarine and other little tubs that inevitably pile up once the product is all used (yes, my 'fridge is full of marg. containers that all look like margarine save for the big black X i've marked on them once empty. hehe). We do, from time to time, find need for plastic bags and I reeeeeally hate using them, but knowing I'm using them as much as I can til they're actually garbage, almost ready to degrade? this makes me happy....happier. I'm getting there. Soon I hope to kick the habit of using them at all. And don't even get me started on my Press 'N Seal addiction.Next up, something he knew I'd be getting a LOT of use of in the future....
I drove out of town with a dozen cupcakes and the dog in the car and no amount of stopping and turning got those puppies to budge from their little places the whole time. I LOVE this thing! Wish I could say the same for the poor dog. She's yet to figure out that standing up while mom is in traffic may lead to her being jostled around a bit (as much as 85lbs can be just jostled around a bit!) in the car.Lastly, the Cap'n gifted me the glorious beginning of some much needed and so wanted organization for our pantry. These acrylic containers are so wonderful and everything looks so great up there! I especially love that I don't have bags of flour or grains that have been opened in plastic bags any longer. yay!
oh, and it was time to finally throw out my flowers as the last of their clinging beautiful petals were beginning to grace more the floor than anything else...
I just loooove picking out flowers and then arranging them at home...
and then you'll inevitably find me with camera in hand, just marveling at each perfect bloom...
Happiest summertime birthdays to everyone!
umm.. can you make me some of those cupcakes? lol...WOW..they look amazing!
Well Happy Birthday to you and I hope you enjoyed your day:)...and nice gifts!
Happy belated b-day! I agree - it is a perfect time to celebrate with cupcakes but girl, you need to try some of the other recipes. You are missing out! Seriously. First make the mousse topping. It goes great on any cupcake. I'd gladly lick it off the floor. Ok, well, maybe not the floor, but I'd sure be tempted to. It's that good.
Happy Birthday! Your veganism switch is a great story...
You got some great gifts there. I'm with you on the plastic bag waste - I reuse mine as much as possible. I haven't tried the cookies & cream cuppers yet. What's wrong with me?!
Happy Birthday! Your gifts are great--I love kitchen gifts!
Happy Birthday to you !!
those gifts looks awesome!
Wow! Happy birthday! i love your gifts and those cupcakes are insane. Wow! i'm so proud of you and happy for you making the move to veganism. Wishing you many more happy & healthy years. And just so you know, i'm very much the same (eccentric!?) way about recycling. i laughed!!
Happy birthday! Those are the only cupcakes I've made as well, except I had a frosting incident. Lesson learned: if you are halving a recipe, always write out the halved measurements because your brain can't be trusted. Yours look much better than mine did! What is the food network technique that you learned?
PS - I have a press 'n seal problem too, which my bf does not understand at all.
What a beautiful birthday!
I have cupcake envy! I keep wanting to try the cookies and cream kind!
Hehe my birthday is August 25.. I expect some cupcakes!
I am infinitely jealous of your baked goods carrier! And your storage containers! I've been wanting those for everrrrr.
Happy birthday!
I love the plastic bag dryer thing - I need one! I too hate throwing away those bags, so I rinse them, let them dry on a towel, and re-use them. I have even been known to get mad at my bf if he unknowingly trashes one.
Happy Birthday! What wonderful gifts you received! Funny, this weekend I bought the same exact cupcake holder, and it is wonderful. Also really like your jars, I need some so I can rid of all the bags (which I reuse as much as I can as well) filled with bulk aisle items. Where did your husband get the bag dryer? The flowers were lovely as well. And mmmm, oreo cupcakes. Hope you had an amazing birthday!
Happy belated birthday! I've really got to buy a copy of VCTOTW - I'm hearing such good things...
THose are indeed lovely cupcakes. Every one we've tried from VCTOW have been awesome, so we should put this one on the list!
Can you share your food network frosting tip? Please?
A couple of you have asked and, while I feel a bit silly since it's incredibly easy and I haven't even gotten a chance to show a pic of the results (lost the cam's battery charger for a couple of days when they were made), I thought I'd share the Food Network Frosting technique i mentioned.
Ready? It's seriously silly....frost cupcakes generously. Take a small icing spatula or butter knife and touch it to icing then pull straight back, away from icing. This will leave a little spike. Repeat process all over until you've got one very cute, very spikey, punk rock cupcake. ;)
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