Tofu Eggless Salad, Then Scrambled
Recently, after a long day, I dug out a Tofu Mate Eggless Salad mix out of the pantry and settled on a very simple meal of a Green Salad (Butter Lettuce, cucumber, carrot, 'shrooms, tomato, and homemade That Ginger Dressing)
with this tofu salad on Wasa crispbread with so
The salad is a favorite of ours, and I'd never tried the Tofu Mate before. It was pretty good, definitely had the convincing flavor of a good egg salad. I added some chopped green onion, but otherwise followed the package directions. Overall, I like it, but didn't crave the rest of it now sitting in the fridge.
The next morning I remembered the two fancy biscuits from Father's Day Brunch at the Cap'ns Uncles house
(my contribution was How it All Vegan's Fancy Biscuits and the Grit Cookbook's Yeast Gravy w/ VWaV's Tempeh Sausage Crumbles mixed in...a huge hit, but no pics. sorry!) I still had to finish off. I whipped up a quick portion of the Grit inspired gravy, just recalling the recipe from my head and going with it, adding some garlic powder and onion powder. Then, I took some of the eggless salad and threw it in a skillet with a spray of olive oil and a generous sprinkling of nutritional yeast* until it browned up nicely.
I gotta say, I am totally in love with the results! So much so? I had it again today over a vegan potato roll (yeah, so much for swearing off store bought white least til these babies are yummy!).
Once again, the leftovers outshine the original meal at our house. I love that. I may win the Cap'n over to loving leftovers after all. ;)
*for those of you that have been reading a while, remember when I bought the 6 lb bucket of NY from vegan essentials? Well, here it is....more than half empty...just over six months later.
Told you I'd be lucky if that thing lasted us a whole year! I filled some old Red Star NY shakers to gift a couple friends and family who weren't all that familiar with the product but eager to try it out. I keep an old Ian's breadcrumbs container full of NY in the 'fridge and just refill from the bucket as needed. LOVE IT!
i will love to have something like that nutitional yeast here!
great post, love the food.
Eggless salad mix.. interesting! Maybe I should try that because I made my own and it didn't taste convincing.
Sausage gravy and biscuits! I want! Looks great. :)
I absolutely LOVE Wasa crispbread (the Hearty Rye variety). I usually accompany mine with almond butter; your usage with the avocado looks/sounds very tasty - I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing this recipe idea for the Wasa!!
Ooh, The Grit yeast gravy... I was gonna make some last night, but Bob got sick and delayed my plans. Tonight! Everything looks fantastic. I haven't found the "perfect" eggless salad recipe, but then I never much liked egg salad, so maybe it's futile to even try!
mm, this all looks awesome!
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