Pizza, Pizza!
One night, I knew I wanted to make an easy pizza dinner with some frozen, organic pizza crusts and FYH cheeze I'd picked up at the health food store. What I couldn't decide on was what kind!Should I go the traditional route, use some of the seitanroni I'd recently made, with red sauce, mozzarella style FYH, and fresh basil?
Or should we do something crazy, top one with refried beans, my homemade salsa, chopped tomatoes, avocado, monetary jack style FYH, and fresh cilantro?
I know! Let's make it a Mexi-Italian night and have both!
And so we did! Last minute thought, crumble some organic white corn chips on top of the Mexican styled one.They were both amazing and yummy...and would have been perfect, if only I'd noticed one little detail in my selecting of frozen organic, vegan pizza crusts at the grocery....SOURDOUGH flavored crusts. And while I like vegan sourdough as much as the next...on my pizza? (and we're talkin SO-UR!) thanks. hehe
Mmmm Mexitalian. Can I come for dinner?
So with the crust mishap...were they ruined? They looked good..especially the first one!
Oh i'm so stupid...haha... i thought the first request didn't go through because I had a log in issue..sorry if i sent two comments...hahaa! publish the first one, it was better..the second was a try to recreate what I said, but didn't really
tania- any time, girlie. any time. ;)
lisajean- they weren't ruined, so much. we still scarfed 'em down...they were just not what we expected. truly sour. was kind of funny. which can be a serious choking hazard. hehe
Yummy. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you vegans make me crave pizza like nothing else!
yum!! looks so good!
That's too bad about the sourdough... but they still sound fantastically inspired! The tex-mex one... wow!
Both look simply and utterly wonderful !
And that stuffed potato above, oh my !
Hope you are doing well :))
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