This search led me to Ellen's Kitchen & Ellen's Best Unchuck Roast. One, if it's the Best, I was all about it. Two, this method uses a crockpot,
First, I made Bryanna's oyster sauce.
Next I jumped into the rest of the recipe. I was forced to make one major substitution as this recipe calls for 5 cups of black tea and the only black tea we ever have in the house is chai. I settled on a strong green and managed to fine one straggler black pekoe bag (thanks mom!) in our very large basket 'o tea varieties (what? doesn't everyone keep a gargantuan basket in their pantry of tantalizing teas? ;)
My next bump in the road came after an hour of it cooking in the crock pot. The cap'n was going to be in town between flights (this is 30 min drive from where we live) and I had the opportunity to go see him for a few min before he jetted off to somewhere else for another couple of days. Heck yeah! Miss an opportunity to wrap my arms around that fine hunk o' man? Not a chance!!! So, I situated the vermin, hopped in the car, and started to speed away. Enter deeply rooted paranoia. The thought of leaving the crockpot (that sucker gets HOT, even on low!) plugged in and on for the 90 min i'd likely be gone with all seven of our babies inside a house we're currently trying to sell was suddenly NOT an option (I found out, doing a third grade book report, that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on my birthday. I've had fire issues ever since ;). Back into the house, turned off the pot, unplugged it even, noticed it was puffing up nicely. sigh. and on my way I went.
Home an hour and a half later, I just plugged the pot back in and cooked for three hours before turning. It was no longer puffing up like it had been. as i've no experience with this cooking method so I didn't really worry. not really. Four more hours after the turn and I shut the whole thing off, allowing it to cool in the pot to room temp (while I slept) before tossing in plastic baggies (half for the 'fridge, half for the freezer) in the morning. Inoticed that the outside was not all that firm, that it actually had a lot of loose pieces hanging off of it.
Burgundy Seitan! I didn't use a recipe, just winged it with marvelous results.
Slice seitan roast very thin and place slices in bowl with about 2 c. burgundy cooking wine. Meanwhile, slice thin 10-12 oz crimini mushrooms, 1/2 med onion, and three cloves garlic. Put 2T vegan margarine in hot skillet and add onion, garlic, and mushroom, and saute until onions are just getting soft. Put 3-4 heaping T of flour and salt and pepper into plastic baggie and, shaking off excess liquid, add seitan strips. Close bag and shake to coat. Place veggies in the bowl of wine. 2 T more marg. in the pan and cook coated seitan strips until they are browned on both sides. Dump in bowl of wine with veggies, add 1 heaping T brown sugar and about 1/2 tsp tarragon. On med to med hi heat, simmer until sauce thickens.
What a post. Your seitan looks amazing! But what a lot of work... i am just not willing to put that much effort into my own meals. Maybe if i was cooking for someone else?? Of course if i knew Burgundy Seitan would turn out for me as it did for you, i might go for it...
(BTW, thank you so much for visiting my blog! i love yours and i can't remember the last time i was here, but i will be back again and again!)
i am a big fan of seitan. i have my pal Peter make it because i am too afraid to do it (totally silly, i know). i'm not a fan of store-bought seitan either. i usually get it at either our local co-op or at my fave restaurant here in San Diego, SIPZ, where they really know how to prepare.
(And anoter BTW: Tracy's blog is amazing. She is hilarious!! What she does with seitan doesn't intimidate me exactly but i am so impressed with what she does. She knocks my socks off, as you would say...)
Bryanna's oyster sauce sounds amazing. i remember the first time i heard about oyster sauce, i was like "EYEW!" but this version of course is fab. i love the look of it, too.
i also appreciate how you winged it on some things in the recipe, with subsitituted tea types, very good, and again something i'd be a little hesitant to do.
(One more BTW: i'm still wanting a bread maker and a crock pot... and a few other kitchen gadgets, but then again, i probably would use them once and then get overwhelmed with something i need to do with 'em and stick 'em in an overhead cabinet...)
(Last BTW: as i recally the witches of Salem were burned at the stake on my birthday... March 5. So we both have some interesting date of birth issues, 'eh? Joan of Arc! i had to laugh. Haven't thought of her since i don't know when...)
Great post! Yer hunk o'man is lucky to have you 'round for sure.
Oh wow that looks great. I need to make my own seitan one day!
Amazing... looking forward to my first attempt at making seitan from scratch- the storebought is disgusting, I agree.
I have a basket of teas, too... so did my mother and my grandmother... you're not alone ^_^
wow, that seitan roast looks great!! I have yet to try seitan - I'm probably the only vegan who's never had it, haha.
oh my goodness I found the post you were talking about (the pan-seared oatmeal) - whoa, does that look tasty!! It looks addicting, haha. I will definitely have to give that a try - thanks!! your recipes are sooo good.
yum!! this looks so good.
did you will make the same method the next time you make it? :
cook for ans hours, let it sit cook again?
What a fun post to read - I've never made my own seitan, but I'd sure like to try it (especially after seeing pics of the Seitan Burgundy...yum!).
You could make a whole variety of "tea" seitans like Orange Pekoa Seitan, Black Chai and Ginger Seitan, Gingerbread Dreams Seitan (ok, maybe not...). (-:
Don't you just love crockpots? Especially in summer so you don't have to heat up the whole house. I have yet to try day... :)
It did turn out looking very good, despite all the bumps in the road! I like that texture too, so I'd probably follow in your footsteps exactly!
By the way, I'm paranoid when it comes to crock pots too... even though that's sort of what they're made for!
Holy cow, this looks unbelievable. i love that the recipe has you use the crock. i might actually try it, in that case!
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