More 'Shroom Fondue 'n Sloppy Lentils
Can't believe I never posted about this...
The leftover 'Shroom Fondue that we just can't get enough of (and made for our guests recently) was heavenly on a potato roll (found incidentally vegan at the local large chain grocery) with a bit of tomato sauce and seitanroni slices (sauteed then steamed a bit to plump them up and make them a tad less dry). So good in fact, that it warranted a side of the remaining seitanroni to blanket. With the addition of some of the summer's sweet white corn Mmmmmm, what great,quick and easy meal!The following night, not really in the mood to whip up more seitan and trying to have a soy free day, I decided on lentils of the Sloppy variety a la Vegan Core. I kept most everything the same
except I opted for two cans of no salt added tomatoes and about 2T tomato paste instead of the sauce and used fresh chopped basil for the generous pinch of dried. Here they are simmering in the pot.
I can't believe I'd never attempted to make this before. Such great flavor and reeeeeeally satisfying. Not all that thick to be putting on a bun and no buns in the house anyway led to, what I think, was a much better way to serve them up.....
on a bed of quinoa, my most favorite grain with a sprinkling of hemp seeds. can you say protein? hehe. and no soy to be found. yay! sometimes, I just really want to break away from relying so heavily on one source of protein. meals like this make that a snap.In lieu of dessert, and with full bellies we opted for our favorite nighttime tea
the Valerian root really works for us and makes relaxing before bedtime a truly serene experience....even banAnna and Tabes were ready for some serious sleep time.
I love sloppy lentils! I'm glad you got around to trying them--aren't they great??
Everything looks amazing, by the way!
I can't believe you were holding out on us with the shroom fondue.
I love those lentils also. So good and I often mix up the ingredients I put in them. I love it with a lot of kale, and celery or bell pepper for a little crunch. I also, like you did, add a couple of cans of diced tomatoes.
Awww, my favorite tea is the Sleepytime as well. I don't know what it is about it but it's just such a nice combination of flavors.
looks so good! great photos!
wow! I love the doggie & kitty snuggles! I'm a real sucker for pet pictures.
I also really love your soy-free, high-protein meal. Very nice. I also try not to "soy-out" too much, and definitely need to be eating more beans & lentils. Maybe I'll finally get around to trying the sloppy lentils myself! Thanks for a great meal idea.
I love sloppy lentils--yum! Oh wow, and the shroom fondue sounds amazing, really... Looks so good on that roll with the seitan. Yum! Your furry friends make an awesome duo there!
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