3. On day three, even after this lil' vermin has torn thru the bag they're in
4. A few days later, put off your workout and make these puppies on a whim.
I know someone who's gonna have to run a lot harder in the coming weeks.
I'd been wanting to make the scones forever as they were always my favorite treat before going vegan. These are honestly better than any I'd ever had before. Just a little bit lighter and less dry than most and the flavor is subtle but still perfectly orange-y.
This time, I made the cookies from here with walnuts, chocolate chips, and about a quarter cup of raisins this time making them extra chewy and good.
We currently have two very ripe bananas just crying out to be made into banana bread or a creamy pudding but with my current wave of unhealthy treats I'm wanting something healthier. Any suggestions? Gimme your healthiest banana bread recipe even and maybe I'll just run with that!
I'm not a scone fan, but even I think those look delicious!!
Your posts on soy curls have me intrigued... they look kind of creepy, but you use them a bit so they must be tasty, right? I'm still on the fence about buying some.
Have you ever tried the Banana Cookies( http://shmooedfood.blogspot.com/2006/07/banana-oatmeal-cookies.html) from Vegan Lunchbox blog? They're so healthy, and basically taste like banana bread in cookie form. Also, you could freeze them and make banana "ice cream."
Fun post. Kitty is clever, no?!!?
Sometimes ya gotta give in to your snacking desires, life is short!
Banana bread?! Mmmmmm!!
How about this one?!
Or my buddy Vicki's:
Whenever I have banans on the verge I cut them into inch long pieces and freeze them on a small cookie sheet. Once frozen I place them all in a ziplock baggie and use them in smoothies or bread or whatever else when I need bananas. That way there's no pressure to hurry up and make something with them.
LOL - You sound like me! Oh well, if you're going to splurge, you picked the best way to do it!
oh those yummy scones *drools*
i think i've only had one scone in my life (pre-vegan days, so long ago) so maybe i should try making them at some point.
i've been baking cookies like a mad-woman lately, but fortunately, i've just been pawning them off at work and away from my home to prevent me (and my hubby) from eating them.
i'd share a delicious banana bread recipe, but frankly i don't think it would be "healthier" than any other!
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